Unlock massive benefits by empowering your workforce with the AI Trainer

GenAI is here to stay. Therefore, it is key that your employees build a solid understanding of the technology and the potential it offers, but also the limitations. Our AI Trainer enables effective workforce empowerment for 150+ different job areas and helps to prepare your employees for the new age of GenAI.

Empower your people
Boost productivity
Embrace the new normal

Different levels for different users

Train your workforce to use GenAI -
reach your strategic objectives


Beginner level

Understand & Try-out

Understand the AI basics, learn how it works and how to apply it, and try out this new technology in practice.


Expert level

Exercise & Apply

Practice job-specific AI technologies and use cases, exercise and train your skills, start to apply AI in your daily work.


Master level

Innovate & Create Impact

Create tailor-made AI solutions and workflows for job-specific tasks, apply them in practice, share innovations across your teams and create tangible business value.

Our promise

A personalized training journey for everyone

Our scalable people empowerment Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution unlocks massive productivity gains, value creation, and bottom-up innovation through job-specific, practical training programs, ideation and a unique universe of use cases and playgrounds.

Increased productivity

Unlock hyper-productivity for your employees, enabling them to become better and faster at what they do.

Bottom-up innovation

With our innovation tools, your employees can brainstorm industry and company specific use cases.

Mass mobilization

Achieve a mass mobilization and roll-out among thousands of employees with our scalable SaaS-solution.

Employee retention

Talents will embrace innovation as well as feel empowered and motivated to use new technology.

Identification of front runners

Identify the most capable and engaged «hidden talents» as future front runners to drive technology and innovation.

Technology mindset

Establish a technology mindset in your organization, fostering further digitization initiatives.