
Access to hundreds of proven, job-specific AI use cases, apps, agents and workflows

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Daily use of AI made easy

Individual recommendations
Possibility to create individual cockpits with personal favourites 
Specific incentive schemes to reward intensive AI use  
Dashboard mockup

AI playgrounds with state-of-the-art technologies


An advanced conversational AI model that generates human-like text responses, ideal for chatbots, writing assistance, and information retrieval.


AI model that generates detailed and creative images from textual descriptions, allowing for visual content creation from written prompts.


A generative AI platform focused on creating realistic video avatars and voiceovers, enabling personalized video content.

GenAI Stack

With this cutting-edge tool created by AI Planet, you can create powerful AI solutions with just a few commands.

Microsoft Copilot

Copilot is a conversational chat interface that lets you search for specific information, generate text such as emails and summaries, and create images based on text prompts you write.

SAP Business AI

SAP Business AI automate and optimize corporate processes by adding intelligence to your applications using AI models pretrained on business-relevant data.